
Original price was: ₹ 6,000.00.Current price is: ₹ 5,750.00.

Availability: In stock

Promotes natural healthy growth, detoxifies the liver and is a general immune booster.


The main purpose of this new formulation is to help discus grow not only thick and robust, discus on Pro-growth supplement expedite reaching their potential size faster even to gigantic proportion.

Promotes natural healthy growth. It detoxifies the liver and is a general immune booster.

  • Adding 5gm to 10gm of Pro-growth to one kilo of feed gives general well-being and a good healthy growth rate.
  • Adding 20gms per kilo of feed: Improve feed efficiency ratio hence speeding up (accelerating) growth and size within a given time frame. This new formula makes raising discus a breeze
  • Adding 20gm to 25 gm per kilo of feed to 2-month-old to 8-month-old discus.

If you want to groom competition fish, continue to feed this dose as long as you want, but when they reach maturity, you have to separate males from females to prevent spawning which will retard or slow down the growth of spawning discus. When you have segregated male from female (to prevent breeding), the discus will continue to grow on this supplement to reach their potential.

Weight 0.25 g
Dimensions 15 × 12 × 10 cm




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